Question 1: What is the maximum amount of time allowed to take the TOEFL test?
Answer: You are allowed a total time of 3 hours and 30 minutes to complete the TOEFL test.
Question 2: How do I prepare for the time constraints on the TOEFL test?
Answer: Allow each question/essay a reasonable amount of time and thought. Treat each question with the same level of difficulty. Don't start to panic and begin to rush through the questions. Review the time constraints identified under the TOEFL breakdown chart.
Question 3: What study aides have you found that help you understand the format better?
Answer: The link on the right of this page offers valuable help with the TOEFL format.
Question 4: Is there any penalty for guessing on the TOEFL test?
Answer: No. Select one answer per question. Do not leave questions blank.
Preparation Material